Al Muzaini


Al Muzaini

Al Muzaini exchange company aspires to always play a positive role in the community and to always consider the environmental and social impact of all its business decisions.

Al Muzaini places focus on constantly creating economic, social and environmental value in its efforts to function as a truly sustainable business.

The company is always involved and plays an active role in the local community within the state of Kuwait since its inception in 1942 and has always been responsible with respect to all its practices. The company deals with diverse, local and global socially responsible vendors and partners, places the community stakeholders at the center of all its business decisions and constantly supports community initiatives.

At the workplace, Al Muzaini takes active steps to improve workplace diversity, be it by organizing interdepartmental events, gatherings, trainings, workshops, etc. to ensure that the multicultural and diverse workforce work together as one big community. Active measures are taken to enhance and improve workplace health and safety and a code of ethics is in place for the elimination of workplace harassment and discrimination.

Al Muzaini prioritizes community participation as it recognizes the importance of being a socially responsible company. The company participates in community events through sponsorships and donations and promotes charitable activities and giving back to society.

Throughout the past few decades, Al Muzaini has launched a series of notable CSR initiatives and charitable programs to support those in need. The company actively supports education, healthcare, cultural and social events of a diverse nature as part of its commitment to be a positive change and to promote and support social responsibility within the community.

Al Muzaini is socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders and the public and are conscious of the impact the company has on all aspects of society.

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